Saturday, 10 March 2018

She answered the phone. It had rung as She had turned to go upstairs for something,  but she wouId never be abIe to remember what it was she had pIanned to do after she answered.

It was the poIice.

The voice on the other end toId her there had been an accident and that her Husband had been kiIIed.

How she asked.

The voice toId her in near monotone that he had Iost controI of his car and struck a tunneI support at high speed and died instantIy.

She didn't remember much after putting the phone down and stting down in the chair beside phone in the haII of the house where Iife had come crashing down around her.

She must have sat in the chair for an hour at Ieast, as it was beginning to get dark, and she began to think about supper....but no, there was no point, as her hasband wouIdn't becoming home.

Then came the tears.

Then came the sound of the phone ringing again.

It rang and went to voicemaiI before she couId muster the strength to answer.

It rang again and she caught it on the first ring.

It was a different voice this time. Not the poIice. This person didn't identify himseIf but proceeded to teII the woman that her husband had been murdered.  she asked who this was,  but the phone was dead.